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Synthetic Neon Version 0.02 Change Log

Hey everyone! The change notes from version 0.01 to 0.02 will be the least comprehensive of all the change notes because I had to take a significant break from development from the start of 0.01 to the end of 0.02 due to getting married. These notes are also the least important, seeing as nobody except my internal testers will ever see version 0.01!


Changes from v0.01 to v0.02

  • Renamed the game from Project Neon to Synthetic Neon

  • Renamed the How To Play section to Combat, seeing as the final game will include more ways to play than just being in combat.

  • Added new Stats And Skills section

    • Added a list of all the current skills and descriptions under the new Stats Overview

    • Added the rules for Skill Checks and Opposed Skill Checks

  • Added Skill Check under Primary Actions for Combat

    • Added the Skill Check description.

  • Added a description for Attack Ranges for Combat

  • Added a Damage Types section.

  • Added a Conditions section.

  • Added a section describing rules for player character death.

  • Many grammatical errors fixed.

  • Added a new section for Equipment.

  • Added the first round of base-level items to the game made by Valu-Tec and C¥-Con.

  • Added Character Creation rules.

  • Reworked the Suppression status effect and action

    • Fire your weapon at a target, suppressing them. Do not roll an attack, and do not deal damage. Uses 1 ammo. A character that is suppressed has their chance to hit with attacks and abilities reduced by 2.

  • Added Enemies section

Class Changes

  • All Classes

    • Added a Class Trait for each class.

  • Vanguard

    • Added Class Trait

      • Protector - Reaction

        • Whenever an ally is the target of an attack, you may use your reaction to move up to 10ft into the line of sight of that attack and become the new target.

    • Gunman

      • Removed Entrench and replaced it with Suppressing Fire

        • Suppressing Fire - Primary Ability - 2 Energy

          • Make a weapon attack at a target and reduce ammo by 3. On a success, deal weapon damage +3. Afterwards, the target's evasion rating is reduced by 3. This effect continues until the start of your next turn, or until the target moves from their current position.

      • Removed the automatic suppression from Spray-n-Pray on a failed attack and changed the ammo cost from 1 per effected enemy to a flat 4.

Development Notes:

The Gunman had a cool initial concept of hunkering down, gaining a ton of defensive/offensive bonuses, dealing a lot of damage, but making them extremely slow. Unfortunately, the fantasy of this concept was not fun to play. Players felt like they had no choice but to let more mobile enemies run laps around them, and the Gunman never felt like a tank since enemies could just avoid them entirely.

With the changes to the Suppressed status and the addition of the Suppressing Fire primary ability, the class can now feel like a supporting tank in combat by reducing a targets evasion rating (making it easier for allies to attack), and also reducing an enemy's chance to hit through the new suppression mechanic.

Finally, the Gunman now has two base Primary Action abilities, allowing their Secondary Action to be used on the Suppress action more often.

  • Phalanx

    • Charge has been renamed to Rush

      • Rush range has been changed to 20ft, up from 15ft.

  • Engineer

    • Demolisher

      • Added

    • Robotics

      • Added

  • Specialist

    • Combat Medic

      • Nano-Station is now a Secondary Ability, down from a Primary Ability.

    • Researcher

      • Complete Rework

    • Hacker

      • Added

  • Socialite

    • Negotiator

      • Added

    • Spy

      • Added

  • Infiltrator

    • Scout

      • Added

    • Assassin

      • Exotic Poison has been reworked.

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